Introducing edge computing only makes sense for organizations looking to build robust, scalable and secure IoT solutions.
The Internet of Things, a disruptive technology, is pervading a variety of industries and connecting every Internet-enabled device around us.
Disaster management aims to mitigate the potential damage of a disaster, ensure that timely and appropriate relief is provided to victims, and achieve effective and rapid recovery.
It is almost certain that the rise of self-driving cars will usher in an era of carpooling for all, meaning that the immediate need for cars will decline and fewer people will need (or want) to own them.
Like any other computing device, IoT devices are a potential entry point for attackers to compromise a company's network, and as such, strong security measures are needed to protect them.
The Internet of Things has changed the way humans interact and survive, but humans aren't alone - here are 6 examples of how animals are reaping the benefits of the IoT.
Equipment networking is an important part of digitalization. Today, we can conclude that the future market opportunities for non network connected devices will only become less and less. We have talked about digital transformation and the Internet of Things for a long time, but it is estimated that we may not realize the full extent of this change in another decade.
Since e-commerce operators have used big data to predict and recommend products, where can the Internet of Things play a role?
The urgent need for data for enterprises that are reshaping their platforms for the digital age has spurred a proliferation of IoT implementations across multiple industries, including industrial manufacturing, agriculture and retail.
The application of IoT technology in the self-storage space seems never-ending and is quickly breathing new life into otherwise stagnant operational technology.